Engineering Excellence

MGE's SAM range includes 2 units that have specifically been designed for use with water seals and chest drains to assist in the removal of air and fluids from the Pleural space during and after chest surgery. The Operating Theatre unit has slightly higher vacuum levels and flow rates which may be needed during procedures and a Ward unit which is lower vacuum with medium flow rates for 24x7 use during patient recovery.

Suction Equipment
MGE's SAM 17 Thoracic Aspirator is a standalone electric suction device providing medium flow rates at very low levels of vacuum making it ideal for use in Chest and Pleural Cavity drainage procedures that are often required during chest wound or Cardiothoracic Surgery.
Available as two different models, the SAM 17T which is a higher specification unit for use in the operating theatre during surgery and the SAM 17W which is the lower specification Ward unit for use during the patients recovery on the ward.
They have been designed to be used in conjunction with a water seal which ensures a consistant level of vacuum and prevents potentially dangerous back pressures passing back up the patient tube and can run continuously for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

As with all of MGE's SAM units, as standard they are fitted with a single SAM 2 autoclavable 2 litre Collection cannister or alternatively one of several disposable collection systems available on the market today, for example Vacsax or Serres.
For further information, click on the images below or Contact us ;
Water Seals, Tubing and Catheters

We can also provide water seals, patient tubing as well as Yankers and Catheters to complement the SAM 17 units providing a complete drainage solution for the Thoracic procedure.
For detailed information on the range of accessories available, please Contact us

SAM Suction - The Next Life They Save Could Be Yours